Pilea Peperomiodes or the Chinese Pancake Plant

I had stumbled upon photos of this plant several times in the past. I never saw it in my local stores, so I assumed this was an illusion or an exotic plant, surely I won’t be able to handle or care for.

Thanks to COVID, I finally have time to think about things that I never thought possible. I did some research on caring for this plant, which I will link the details later.

Where did I get the plant?

I wasn’t going to step out at this time. However, I saw that a number of plants are now available online for purchase. They are a little bit pricey, so I continued to ponder. Finally, I took the leap with the below Etsy shop, because it had free shipping and raving reviews.

The plant came all the way from California, perfectly green and beautiful. This was a pleasant surprise for me.

Tips to Grow the plant
